
De Aandeel houder website offers investors access to financial news, analyses, stock prices and advice based on actualities. De Aandeelhouder is one of the strongest growing media companies in the investment sector with a focus on transparency and quality.

In addition to the latest news in word and numbers DeAandeelHouder publishes a lot of unique content daily such as columns, videos, podcasts and chat sessions.

Through the high rankings in the search engines many (new) visitors know how to find our investment platform.

Case description

Relaunch and expand an existing financial news website in phases without interrupting the continuity and grow its following.


An existing client within the financial sector asked us to think along to relaunch a financial news website. With the requirement that the website would soon be able to compete with the current market leader of financial news in the Netherlands and Belgium.

The client had bought the domain name: (translated: with the content, so fortunately there was some history in Google.

But it remained a big challenge to publish the first version of the website with a minimal budget. Because there was not a very large budget available right away, we started building in phases. Making small visible steps so that the client would see that what we were developing also had a po- sitive measurable effect.


The website now contains more than 210,000 news items, 3,000 columns, 5,200 video’s and information about 400 stocks. DeAandeelhouder is now the second largest financial news website in The Netherlands and Belgium and still winning terrain. Currently, there are more than 200,000 unique visitors per month and an average of 750,000 page views.