

Raising funds for charities is serious business, especially when the help is needed to relieve people from dire conditions. In times of economic decline, the need for charities grows but the total of available funds decrease. This results in charities that can not fulfill the growing number of requests.

Funraisen helps finding funds for your charity by deploying unconventional methods. Funraisen uses a four step plan to get donors that are ambassadors to your story: Entertain, Inform, Get funded, Care. By focussing on positivity and fun to get the message of the charity across, Funraisen raises sustainable awareness.

Funraisen was founded in 2024 and is a cooperation of E-heroes, and leading people in charity and creative copywriting. With decades of experience in the field of media, charity, concept and marketing, Funraisen is the partner to help you helping your cause.

Funraisen, serious with a smile.

Case description

Design and develop a captivating logo and Corporate ID for


The challenge is finding the right tone that appeals to the Funraisen clientele: charities and foundations. Raising funds for the good cause is serious business, because behind the numbers there are people, children and families in need. Each of these persons have a story to tell, often heartbreaking. Funraisen believes in the importance of focussing on possibilities, the positive results and hopeful futures of people helped. Therefore the image that Funraisen wants to portray is happiness.


A recognizable character that spreads joy and hope, while telling the Funraisen story, supported by a corporate ID that is bright and colorful.